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Products Strengths

Better strength and Excellent spinnability
Excellent dye pickup resulting in a wide range of brilliant shades.
Saturation factor (Sf) is only 1.8, where as colour development (k/s) factor is 100, resulting in low dye consumption with brilliant shade.
Very compact, smooth round cross-section of fibre leads to good light reflection and smooth touch.
Wide range of shrinkage for variety of product application in downstream industries.
Warm and high bulk.
Round cross-section and, therefore, has higher resiliency.
Additional finish oil at spinner's end not recommended. However, spinner has to decide on its use depending on several factors such as climatic conditions, machine park, internal mill conditions etc.
In cotton sector, the strength of acrylic yarn made from Varlan fibre may be higher upto about 200 units compared to other acrylic fibres.
High strength and regularity in acrylic yarn made from Varlan fibre may lead to increase in ring frame productivity of upto 10%.
On account of higher strength of yarn made from Varlan fibre, both weaving and knitting efficiency likely to be higher.


Hosiery Weaving Home Furnishing Industrial Others
Sweaters & Cardigans Shawl Mink blanket Industrial filter Fur fabrics
Sweater Lohi Woven blanket Non wovens Soft toys
Muffler Check shirt Embroidery Tents Rugs
T - shirts Ladies suit Table mat   Draperies
Scarf Plain cloth Bath mat   Wigs
Underwear Bed spread Awnings    
Shirting Sari Upholstery    
Track-suits   Curtain    
Shalwar Kamiz   Carpets    
Children clothes   Shoe laces    

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